Danielle Saint-Lot is the Founder and President of Danielle Saint-Lot Haiti Women’s Foundation, a non-profit that advances programs to empower Haitian women and grow the green and creative economy. It has set a goal of unleashing the power of women in the clean energy value chain. She also serves as Ambassador at Large of the Republic of Haiti for Women’s Empowerment. She is the President & CEO of Caribbean Business Consulting (CBC). She has served as Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and as Executive Director of Haiti Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She is a co-founder of Femmes en Démocratie, the Vital Voices Haiti Chapter, and a member of the Vital Voices Global Advisory Council. She holds a B.A. in International Relations from the State University of Haiti. She also earned a degree in International Economic Relations from the Institute for International Public Administration (IIAP) of Paris, France.